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title: The Motherless Children: Play & Study Series
author: Harriette Newell Woods Baker (Pen Names: Mrs. Madeline Leslie and Aunt Hattie)
year: 1875
condition: A clean copy in excellent condition save for wear of spine from natural aging. Strong binding and spine. Clean and stainless pages free of any tears or foxing.
publisher: Lee and Shepard Publishers
pages: 320
dimensions: 7 inches x 5 inches x 1 inch
description: Hardcover, dark green book with an illustration of a young boy along the cover. Gilded text and decor along the spine and front cover.
about the author: One of the most prolific -- and most forgotten -- authors of early nineteenth-century series for children was Harriette Newell Woods Baker. Harriette Newell Woods Baker was an American author of books for children and editor. Her career as an author began when she was about 30 years old. She devoted herself successfully to novels; but after about 15 years, she wrote popular religious literature.
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"I can see the sun, but even if I cannot see the sun, I know that it exists. And to know that the sun is there - that is living." ~ Dostoevsky
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