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title: Hyperion
author: Henry W. Longfellow
year: 1894 (Portland Edition)
condition: A clean copy in excellent condition save for slight browning of the pages. Strong binding. Clean, tear-free, and stainless pages. Handwritten inscriptions are featured along the endpapers.
publisher: Houghton, Mifflin & Company (Boston and New York)
pages: 391
dimensions: 6.75 inches x 4.75 inches x 1 inch
description: Hardcover book bound in dark green cloth. Decorated in gilded text and decor along the spine and front cover.
synopsis: Hyperion follows a young American protagonist named Paul Flemming as he travels through Germany. The character's wandering is partially inspired by the death of a friend. The author had also recently lost someone close to him. Longfellow's first wife, Mary Storer Potter, died in Rotterdam in the Netherlands after a miscarriage in 1836; Longfellow was deeply saddened by her death and noted in his diary: "All day I am weary and sad ... and at night I cry myself to sleep like a child."
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"I can see the sun, but even if I cannot see the sun, I know that it exists. And to know that the sun is there - that is living." ~ Dostoevsky
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