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title: The Moment of the Rose


author: Lucy Kennedy


condition: Good condition (Gently used, no dust jacket, minor signs of wear and age, tear-free pages)


series: First Edition (1954)


publisher: Crown Publishers


pages: 244


dimensions: 9.25 inches x 8.25 inches x 1 inch


description: Dark-grey hardcover book. Decorated with black text along spine. Signs shelf wear and age. Foxing (age-spots) among first and last set of pages. Strong binding. Delicate spine. 


synopsis: This is the story of two young people and their quest for meaning and stability in a divided, erratic world. It is chiefly about Tom Dorn, hurt by the war, and Cynthia Abel, unfulfilled and drifting in the whirlpools of time's uncertainties. Almost as soon as they met, Tom and Cynthia, who were at once for each other, were thrust apart by the senseless but painfully real antagonisms of their parents. Abel, who owned half of the island, wanted money. Nick and Agnes Dorn, who had bought the other half, wanted an escape from city drudgery, and a new chance for their son. Townspeople watched with malice as a feud boiled up over the two oil wells and the forbidden romance- then were drawn into it by violence which swept away all understanding. Inevitably the young soldier and his girl were infected by the bitter virus, and there was an end to their might-have-been idyll. With insight and compassion Lucy Kennedy tells the story of how, when the moment came, out of his longing Tom had the strength and the spirit and the genius to find himself and his way.

The Moment of the Rose by Lucy Kennedy (1954)

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